3D Printers

Submitting your work

We are still working out the best way to get parts submitted, but you can start by submitting parts in this form:

3D Printing Badges

Want to become officially trained on the 3D printers? You'll get your name and any badges you collect up on the big screen above the laser cutter.

Step 1

Model Your Design

You can use TinkerCAD, OnShape, Fusion360 (in order of difficulty to learn)

Step 2

Download as .stl

Most printers will require this file format, sometimes .obj will work, but this is preferred.

Step 3

Slice Your Model

Slicers take a solid body and split it up into the layers the printer puts down and are printer specific.

Step 4

Print It!

The last step is to get your part on the printer! We have many options for you to choose from depending on your application.

Types of Printers


Our Prusa MK3S's are also great for an intro or quick prototyping. We have 5 of these in the design labs, some with the capability of printing with 5 filaments at once! How to on slicing for Prusa's coming soon!


Our Stratasys F170 is an entry-level professional 3D printer with some great capabilities. This machine will be reserved for projects that have completed Makerbot prototyping and need some greater detail. For info on using the Stratasys F170 contact Ms. H. Use of this equipment will be limited to students who have shown serious skill in 3D printing.


Stacker is a local 3D Printing company. What's neat about this printer are the 2 heads on independent x-axes allowing us to do some neat tricks with multimaterial and duplicate prints! This printer also has the largest volume to print on.


The Ultimaker is a nice printer with a tall bed for larger prints. It can print two materials at once in great quality. It's located in the robotics room for now, but could be used upon special request.


Makerbots are great intro-level 3D printers that can be used for prototyping and a ton of other projects. We have 4 of these in the design space. For specifics on how to use the Makerbot Replicator + or the Replicator 2's click here.

SPA Design Labs will put priority over parts that are student-created and for a school-related project.

How do I model my design?

Simple Easy: TinkerCAD

Medium Hard: OnShape

Little Harder: Fusion360